Customer Testimonials

/Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonials 2018-06-29T06:19:36+00:00

Customer Testimonials

Very professional people and their price was the best

I Used Pipe Heal at my home and my Restaurant as well. Pipe Heal Relined 65 feet for the main sewer pipe at my house and they also repaired and lined my grease trap at my restaurant.  Very professional people and their price was the best, they finished the job without any digging and no destruction to the slab or floors.

Restaurant Owner, Houston TX

Great Job!

Great job ,very professional and got job on time. They saved us thousands of dollars when we didn’t have to excavate. Would recommend.

A. Hutchings

Omar did a great job!

Pipe restoration for our new house sewer line. Omar was knowledgeable,  flexible, reasonable and was true to his word.  It all went very smoothly.

P Jacobs, Residential

From Start to Finish, Perfect Grade!

From my initial phone inquiry and site visit to the completion of the work, I thought that the staff working on the project were courteous, prompt, very professional, and projected confidence in the nature of their work. The price for the work was very competitive, the job completed on schedule, and site clean up done thoroughly. I would not hesitate to contact you again for future work. Great job!

Dr. Jason Smith
Houston, TX

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